Kennedy is alive??!
In several towns in Texas the inscription UFO appeared in the sky the fourth time this year

One of the thousands of photos which fell down from the sky while the phenomenon lasted |
Dark-cherry red inscription in fonts similar to Helvetica had been visible over Abilene for about half an hour.
The letter F did not leave the middle of the word even for an instant, invariably having the letter U on its right and the letter O on the left. The inscription was perfectly visible, behaved calmly and observed the place down. In thirty minutes it made for the town Big Spring.
Eight hours before that the inscription DONNERWETTER appeared over eastern Bavaria. According to professor Cecil Anderson, a famous graphologist, these were two totally different inscriptions. “The writing over Texas proves care, precision and inner calmness while the Bavarian inscription indicates violent passion, a slight loss of balance and maniac inclinations."
Assasin-suicide hanged himself
in the centre of Jerusalem
Abu Al Said, a Palestinian assassin hanged himself on a streetlamp in the centre of Jerusalem. Tentative investigation has shown that the Israeli steps meant to limit smuggling guns to Palestine proved to be so effective that the Hamas organization has been running out of arms, mainly explosives.
The assassin was equipped with only a fine halter. As one of the policemen has observed, a few strings were found on him, which were most probably meant for some people around the assassin. “It’s a stroke of luck that nobody made use of these cords and no casualties were recorded,” he said.
After this event, the prime minister Beniamin Netanjahu, who is not used to looking at hanged persons in the street, announced taking firm retaliatory action. On the other hand, The Palestine Liberation Organization criticized sawing through all the Jerusalem streetlamps at the base in its own statement.
Swine farmer in a sexual act
with a woman
Now I think that it must have happened”, Frankie B., a farmer well-known in his circle, confessed to the reporter from radio “I'm at ease” .
“Already as a teenager I felt a kind of fascination with the opposite sex but I haven’t had any problems with it up till now. I have been just farming for the last 50 years and suddenly something like that! The intercourse happened in the evening. What did I feel? It’s difficult to say, please try to understand me, I deal with farming. I didn’t think I was able to do that. Mary’s opinion is the same. The most painful thing is that other farmers in the village do the same but nobody admits to it and they do laugh and point at me with their fingers”, he finished with bitterness in his voice.
A neighbour indignant at such an accusation told the reporter that what Frankie does is an ordinary pig thing.
The light of a star 2,5 billion light years away reached Grassington
“Well, at last,” observed the village administrator of Grassington. “How long can one wait?”
Stonehenge |
This is the only rubbish dump that has survived to our time, out of almost 32 thousands of rubbish dumps built by the ancient Celtic people. |